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Additionally, BxC teachers organized the Pajama Read-o-Rama, in which students came dressed in their pajamas and brought their families to read and play word games together, with explanation and facilitation from staff. A workshop on behavior management and the role of play led families to share their own successes and struggles, gather new ideas, and use a cardboard box filled with everyday materials to work together as a family to create something wonderful.
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Training, Consultant, People Development, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. Training Industrial Engineering, mechanical engineering,management, finance, Safety, consultant, Assesment Center, Recruetment,. Jumat, 20 Juli 2007. BXCELLENT COUNSULTANT Course Schedule Agustus 2007. Memberikan pengertian mendasar mengenai konsep dasar, pengendalian proses, kontrol logika dan simulasi kontroler logika berbasis Fuzzy.
100 West Mosholu Parkway South 3rd Floor West. A field day experience on our campus 8-lane track. Our collaborations with scholars, government, community-based organizations, cultural institutions, educational programs, and outside professionals enrich our classes, offer field trips and provide resources. We recognize each family and student as having.
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