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S PRÁVAJ SA K DRUHÝM TAK, AKO CHCEŠ, ABY SA ONI SPRÁVALI K TEBE. Sa usiluje obmedziť výskyt prenatálneho a neonatálneho tetanu v krajinách s nedostatočnou zdravotníckou starostlivosťou, v ktorých môžu byť deti infikované počas narodenia. Pomáha pri komunikácii medzi lekárom a malým pacientom a vďaka nej deti prekonávajú strach z nemocnice. Prvé Kiwanis kluby, pánske, vznikli v Brně a v Košiciach v roku.
Kiwanis Club of Whitehouse, TX. Founded in 1915 and headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Kiwanis International is a thriving organization of service- and community-minded individuals who support children and young adults around the world. More than 500,000 Kiwanis-family. 1 To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. 6 To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opin.
Help the Children of Your Community. Build Friendships While Giving Your Time. Kiwanis is a world wide service organization of men and women volunteers who share the challenge of improving their community and world. Find a Club Near You. Kiwanis Clubs meet at various times around Pinellas County. Find a club that meets near your home or office. St Pete Beach, FL. The Kiwanis Club of Gulf Beaches meets on the 2.